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Vocational Quest

We at HKS try to explore additional quests and challenges to Improve products & their quality. Thus there is a firm belief, we have acquired , which has been boosting us for a decade now to go for the perfection

Enhanced Expertise

HKS brings years of experience in business practices and expertise in managing paper products & operations. Our experience in efficient administration frees up valuable employee work hours to concentrate on Quality care.

Joyous Escapade

We successfully translate our quality and productivity into accuracy and reliability in paper manufactuaring. We offer a completely integrated workflow to our clients, so as to eliminate the unnecessary delays. We understand the effect of timely processing on the whole processing cycle and thus strive to provide accurate and faster service, so as to result in faster productions, faster deliveries and improved paper crust.

Stupendous Standpoint

We enjoy nothing more than going on a great conception with a fantastic client. We care about our clients and can often be found working out of hours to get everything ‘precisely phenomenal’!

Environmental and Social Care

Our thrust on environment is visible in various eco-friendly processes at our plant sites for production of pulp and paper. the growing need to supervise all the hefty operations is ever growing. we @ HKS try to achieve this noble cause with the help of modern technology and process innovations.